...Of course I was hungry by the time I got home 4 hours later, and with dinner being almost 5 hours away, I decided to have a small bowl of soup, and some stir fry veggies with pasta! Err... lunch numero dos methinks?Today's weather was
nothing like yesterday's gloomy rainy day. To take advantage of the remaining minutes of sunlight (
yes! there was actual sunshine today!) and the warm fresh air, I went for a slow leisure walk with the girls (aka my mom and g-ma). It was wonderful to just relax and enjoy the outdoors with them!
Upon our return home, I was craving something salty and crunchy, so I had a handful of
Pop Chips and Veggie Sticks! Loooove 'em!
Not surprisingly, I wasn't hungry when my family sat down for dinner at 8pm. In restrospect, I should have had a slightly lighter
second lunch snack, but it's alright. And so I ate dinner an hour later.
Tonight's dinner was both beautiful-looking and delicious-tasting. As always, a huge salad dominated the scene, with halibut, caramelized beets (in coconut oil!!! loooove the subtly sweet and nutty flavor!), and white rice "on the side".

I think I can officially claim myself to be a bowl-lover/addict. I just love eating everything out of a single bowl! Less dishes to wash, easier to run away with to my room if I have to eat while working, and a great way to practice portion control! ...There is also something undeniably cozy about eating out of a bowl. Or maybe it's just me :)

Following today's afternoon lecture, the
Healthy Living club organized a tea tasting event! We sampled some amazing and unique teas. I am a huge fan of green tea, and today for the first time I tried green tea with roasted brown rice. One word -
wow. So much flavor. I now need to figure out where I could get hold of it! I also came home with some jasmine and lavender loose leaf teas, which I prepared as my post-dinner treat. With a side of dried date, cherries, and blueberries.

Aren't the
lavender petals just beautiful?!
The week is flying by! So much to do, so little time. What else is new...
♥ V.
P.S. Have you entered the Food Should Taste Good
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