Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The 30 minute difference

I love it when, to my surprise, 30 minutes somehow free up in midst of an otherwise hectic-no-free-time day. That's what happened today! Yay! As I was driving home from school, I just couldn't wait to go out for a run. The weather was perfect - a little chilly but not cold; sunshine and not a single cloud!!

It surely looks like I paced myself pretty well today! I did my fave short loop - perfect distance to get my heart pumping and to get fresh air into my lungs and to get me home in time for the next bullet point on my to-do list! What a difference it made! I felt so energized and happy.

After the run, I was in the mood for something meal-like rather than snack-ish and something warm. So, I had a bowl cup of borscht and whole grain toast with hummus! It was exactly what I needed!

Dinner came a few hours later, after another meetings and driving all over the place doing errands. Another dinner-in-a-bowl, from now on proclaimed to be DIAB! :)

A colorful salad, a couple of potato wedges, crispy cauliflower (prepared with breadcrumbs!), and veggiemeatballs. Mm-mm-good!



And the meal was finished off with these sweet beauties. The pear was soooo juicy!


That's it my dears! Another day of food, fitness, and fun shared with you! I love when you leave comments, so please do so when you can! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post.

♥ V.

P.S. Food Should Taste Good is ova hurrr --> giveaway!

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