How do you feel about Wednesdays? I used to love 'em because it meant Friday was just 2 days away! But medical school seems to have changed that a little bit... With Thursday usually being the hardest and longest day of the week (though undoubtedly theeeee most exciting because it's my only clinical day for me right now!), I find myself feeling a little more anxious on Wednesdays...
Exercise, good company, and delicious eats never fail at relieving any anxieties! So let's recap, shall we?
{Breakfast - 7:30am} Wild berry parfait!
Last night, I mixed together: 1/4 C plain Greek yogurt + 1 T water + 1 tsp chia seeds + 2 T instant oats + a few drops of Vanilla Stevia. I also defrosted ~1 C of frozen berries (blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries)
This morning, I layered both mixtures and created this beauty! It was delicious, and I think I just might have to recreate it tomorrow!
{Lunch - 11:30am} I should call it... Russianized Gazpacho! It is probably the easiest "soup" to put together, and is filling and certainly takes care of your veggies for the day!
Are you ready for this very complicated recipe?
Chop up: 1/2 hard boiled egg (the other half went to my grandma!), radish, cucumber, red bell pepper, parsley and dill.
...add one small can of V8 vegetable juice... and Voila!
Second course featured last night's leftovers - Urbane Grain three cheese & mushroom quinoa blend. I also had some sauteed sour kraut with a small piece of pork... I have a feeling the sauteed sour kraut is a Russian thing, too... but I love it! We made it with yellow bell peppers, onion, and fresh dill. Yumz.
I escaped afternoon lecture and headed to the gym for a quick workout. I was still feeling a bit tired after yesterday's 5.5mi power walk, so I decided to go easy on the cardio and focus on lifting. I started out with 10min on the Stair Master, followed by TRX upper & lower body exercises, as well as some free weights. I'm certainly feeing it now... and it was totally worth it!
{Afternoon/ post-workout snack - 4pm} Deep Chocolate VitaTop with Cottage Cheese, and a cup of coffee. Vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants - a successful snack, methinks!
{Dinner - 7pm} Russian Pasta with Meat, or "Mokoroni po Flotski"... This is a dinner that falls in the easy, cheap, satisfying, and delicious categories. Made with ground meat cooked with onion, garlic, and red bell pepper. Topped with parmesan cheese. It was thoroughly enjoyed with a bowl of salad and a side of string beans.
{Snack - 10pm} The juiciest pear of the season!
And there you have it, folks! Another successful What I Ate Wednesday! It's good to be back! :)
Tell me: What do you make when you are short for time?
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